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Interesting fact

“When I lived in Salisbury, I lived a few doors down from Sergei Skripal (the target of the Novichok poisonings). For a college project, I had to direct a short documentary and I managed to organise and conduct an interview with Bret Easton Ellis – the author of the notorious 1980s novel American Psycho.”


Craig has worked in administration since graduating university in 2005. He mainly worked in the financial sector until 2018 when he decided to pursue other avenues. Craig always found recruitment agencies helpful throughout his career and so applied for (and was offered) an administration job in the sector.


“A big fan of heavy metal music, I never miss an opportunity to see the band GWAR when they’re in the country. Their act is very Grand Guignol and the crowd is encouraged to wear white to better show off the fake blood they get sprayed with! I also enjoy creative writing, particularly scriptwriting as I love films and have a degree in the subject.”

Why Platinum

“Some ex-colleagues recently joined Platinum and thought of me when a Payroll Administrator position became available. They couldn’t speak highly enough of the company, so I was happy to apply and accept the job offer!”

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